Monday, 9 June 2014

Orkney, the Magnetic North

Orcadian John Gunn called his book Orkney, The Magnetic North. The title had two meanings: Orkney lies on the magnetic north line from London and the islands possess a strong attraction for islanders and for visitors.
"Many who have gone there simply by way of seeing new places, or whose first visit was made not by choice but for business reasons, have also yielded to the northern charm, and would now consider that summer wasted in which they could not return thither for their annual holiday"
This is as true now as it was in 1932. The latest visitor survey figures showed that 37% of holiday visitors were on a repeat visit, 42% were likely to return and 98% would recommend it as a holiday destination.
But it's not just holidays - an unplanned visit to Orkney can change your life.
A family friend first came to Orkney more than ten years ago. She was living in the south of England and friends asked if she would like to come with them on a trip to Orkney, as they were coming to look at a house they were thinking of buying. She had never given Orkney a thought but liked the idea of a little holiday. When the friends told her they had decided against buying the house, she said, "Well, I don't know about you, but I'm moving here." She only went home again to sell her house and pack up.
Another English couple we know were touring Scotland and happened to be in John O'Groats when the ferry was about to take day-trippers across. On an impulse they went too - when they found themselves taking long weekend holidays in Orkney from the south coast, they said, "This is ridiculous, we're going to move" and they did.
Another couple are from the north-east of England, where they owned a restaurant. It was closed for redecoration so they took the chance for a holiday and came to Orkney. When they got home again they said to the decorators, "Thank you, you've done a lovely job, but we're selling up and moving to Orkney". They've been here more than forty years.
Here's a picture I took this morning that might give you some idea why.


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